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Jonathan Deutsch

Professor and Director, Drexel Food Lab Drexel University

From Lab to Table: Perfecting Plant-Based Meats for the Meat-Eaters’ World


With hopes of targeting traditional meat eaters and vegans alike, Kellogg’s MorningStar Farms has introduced a new plant-based burger that claims to combine the taste and texture of traditional meat with nutritional advantages. Notably, a recent study showed that taste was a key factor in attracting and retaining plant-based product consumers. As consumer interest in plant-based alternatives grows, how can the food industry meet the challenge of perfecting plant-based meats to truly satisfy both taste and texture expectations?

Jonathan Deutsch, Ph.D., Professor and Director at Drexel Food Core Lab, Drexel University, highlights the importance of perfecting plant-based meats, while emphasizing the gap between consumer willingness to reduce meat consumption and the current offerings in plant-based products.

“The main problem that I’m seeing is that there’s a lot of interest from the investment side and a lot of interest in rushing to market, and the products that are on the market are good, but they’re not great,” Deutsch said.

Article written by MarketScale.

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