What are the Interoperability Challenges our Healthcare System is Facing?
As the culmination of more than two decades in the healthcare industry, NextGate released the industry’s first fully managed Enterprise Master Patient Index, or EMPI, in the cloud.
NextGate CTO Dan Cidon joined this episode of I Don’t Care with Kevin Stevenson to talk all things healthcare data.
NextGate’s EMPI looks to deliver providers a single best record for each patient, ensuring these patients are linked to the right data and that they get the best possible care. According to NextGate, which offers its EMPI solution as a service and an on-premise software installation, organizations without an EMPI “have an average duplicate patient record of 18%.”
NextGate’s overarching goal is a simple one – to “deliver better and more efficient care by providing a comprehensive view of each patient.”
It boils down to effectively working with patient identifiers, including social determinants of health, to establish connections between patients and providers.
“There are many use cases for our core product, [the EMPI],” Cidon said. “One of the use cases … is interoperability. You have multiple systems, and they need to talk consistently about a patient even though they have different identifiers. Another common use case is around analytics and trying to meld together lots of different datasets that describe events that are happening about a patient.”
That holistic view help proactively manage patient care, which can lead to better context, better treatment and outcomes.