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Calvin Stovall

CEO ICONIC Presentations, LLC Dynamic Customer Service / Leadership Keynote Speaker & Trainer | Hospitality Historian

Employing Technology Is the New Hire Hotels Need to Counter Staffing Shortages


Facing critical staffing shortages, over 80% of hotels struggle to fill positions despite offering higher wages and flexible hours, as reported by a recent American Hotel & Lodging Association survey. While slightly improved since May 2022, this situation highlights a significant challenge in the hospitality industry, with housekeeping roles being the most urgently needed.

In response to similar challenges, the Mountain View Hospitality Academy in Fort Davis is launching an innovative training program in early 2024 aimed at equipping locals, especially high school students and adults, with skills for the hotel and restaurant industry. This initiative, supported by Mobile Comunidad and in partnership with Cornell University, offers affordable, accredited training and internships, addressing the staffing needs in the region’s burgeoning tourism sector.

Until the staffing shortages decrease, how can the hospitality industry navigate these ongoing labor challenges while ensuring a positive and memorable guest experience?

Calvin Stovall, a Hospitality Historian & Keynote Speaker, and CEO of ICONIC Presentations LLC, recommends strategically using technology to supplement staffing shortages and enhance guest satisfaction.

“Anything technology related, anything you can do to streamline operations or anything that you can do even from an entertainment standpoint to make that experience more memorable is going to, of course, affect in a positive way customers’ guest satisfaction,” Stovall said.

Article by James Kent

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