Evaluating the Healthcare Capacity of America’s Largest Travel Destinations : Say Yes To Travel


Alex Bittner is a certified Physician’s Assistant and the President & Assistant Medical Director of AM~PM DOC. He has worked with clients from all over the world in numerous hotels as an on-call house doctor. They have been offering five star medical service for years, working with the top hotels as well as high-profile patients.

As the pandemic started and travel restrictions started falling into place, it was pretty clear that the United States was going to be hit pretty hard. Hindsight is always 20/20. Could we have locked down earlier? Sure? But we have never been in this situation before. Instead of focusing on what we could have done better or faster, it is important to focus what we can do now.

Businesses being closed and travel restrictions are not an over-reaction. It is appropriate. Again, this is a situation that we have never been in before, so it is paramount that we are cautious and following the guidelines of the WHO, CDC, and the government. How long it will take to “flatten the curve” depends on so many factors, but it is important to follow Stay At Home orders to help alleviate the medical system, minimize exposure, and ultimately passing on the virus.

Interestingly enough, when we think about the medical industry, many of us assume it is insanely busy everywhere. But that is not the case. ER volume is down in smaller markets, like in Cleveland. People are scared to seek medical attention for things that are not coronavirus-related. So the medical system is in an interesting place right now. It is operating at max capacity in hotspots like New York City, but in other cities, not as much.

Ultimately, there is no vaccine yet, and that is where we stand. Or course, there has been talk about different medications, such as the famed Malaria drug. But it is always important to remember that with every medication, there are side effects. Prescribing any sort of medication must be carefully weighed. Currently this Malaria drug is not a sure thing, as testing is still underway.

There have been so many misconceptions regarding the virus. From age to chronic health conditions, there hasn’t been one factor that guarantees you will be sick. As our understanding of this disease has changed, and continues to change, we have to remember that no one is immune to it. On the other side of things, we have to remember that is not an automatic death sentence if you get it. We have to keep things in perspective.

Alex left us with some great advice:
Remember, the best thing is to avoid contact with other people. Be aware of what you are touching, from items to your face. Wash your hands often. And use common sense. It is OK (even encouraged) to be outside to get fresh air and to work out, just be mindful of being around others.

For more info on Alex and his company, check out:
888 AM~PM DOC Toll Free Emergency Hotline

Say Yes To Travel has a new episode every Thursday!

Say Yes to Travel with Sarah Dandashy

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