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Paul Doherty

President and CEO The Digit Group, Inc.

Revolutionizing Workspaces Through Smart and Sustainable Solutions


As businesses globally reassess their office environments in the wake of recent challenges, Paul Doherty, CEO of The Digit Group (TDG), offers a forward-thinking perspective on revolutionizing workspaces through creating smart and sustainable approaches and solutions. This timely discussion is particularly relevant as organizations seek to adapt their work environments to new realities and expectations.

Doherty’s approach focuses on three key areas:

  • Enhancing safety through cutting-edge air and water purification technologies
  • Elevating user experience with immersive AR and VR tools
  • Seamlessly integrating digital and physical aspects to reshape workplace culture

Doherty’s insights, drawn from his extensive experience in smart city and building design, provide a roadmap for developing efficient and resilient work environments that support employee health and well-being.

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