Media and Brand-Building in the Digital Age: Brandon Amoroso’s Insights on Leveraging Tech for Success

May 24, 2024
Ron Stefanski


The world of media and brand-building is evolving at a breakneck pace. Traditional large agencies focusing on broadcast news are being replaced by innovative approaches leveraging new technologies. According to recent research, 84% of millennials don’t trust traditional advertising, highlighting the urgent need for new strategies. So, how are companies adapting to this shift?

In this episode of DisruptED, host Ron J. Stefanski sits down with Brandon Amoroso, the Founder and President of Electriq, to delve into these pressing questions. Brandon shares his journey from a college student freelancing in LA to leading a rapidly growing digital agency. He also provides valuable insights into developing a successful media and brand-building strategy in today’s digital age.

Main Points of Conversation:
– The journey from freelancing to leading a successful digital agency.
– Leveraging technology, like Shopify, to innovate in the media and marketing space.
– The importance of authenticity and personal connections in client retention.

Brandon Amoroso is recognized as one of Forbes’ 30 under 30. He started his journey at USC, where his interest in digital entrepreneurship and SEO led him to create a thriving digital agency. His innovative approach and dedication have made Electriq a leader in the industry.

Article written by MarketScale.

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