Overcoming Challenges: Technetics’ Custom Solution Restores Stability to German Energy Supply as ISAR 2 Nuclear Power Plant Resumes Operations

January 1, 2023

Many are concerned about the recent German energy crisis’s effects on the economy, private households, and the wider European power grid. This shortage has been caused by several factors, including the closure of several nuclear power plants. As one of the remaining nuclear power plants, Preussen Elektra’s ISAR 2 was facing shortage of reactor pressure vessel, RPV seals.

Thanks to Technetics’s longstanding relationship with expertise in the nuclear industry, we were able to develop a custom solution. The Technetics process for creating the ISAR 2 RPV seals was flawlessly executed to accommodate Preussen Elektra’s requirements. The installation of the RPV seals was completed successfully, enabling the nuclear power plant to resume normal operations without any disruptions to the German energy supply.

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