Mission Critical to Mission Accomplished: Why High Stakes Markets Require Expertise

Most people might think of Times Square when Pro AV is brought to mind. The bright, bold signage is captivating and becoming more ingrained in people’s lives all around the world. However, Pro AV technology serves a higher purpose than just advertising.

Constant Technologies integrates customized video wall systems with an expertise and emphasis on mission-critical command centers for both the public and private sector. These fusion centers are often the first line of defense for cyber threats and public areas, making the reliability of Pro AV technology essential.

“If you lose audiovisual capabilities at most venues or environments, it’s not really the end of the world. When we’re talking about everybody from the DoD (U.S. Department of Defense) to financial fraud centers, it is absolutely critical,” Constant Technologies President Brad Righi said.

Video walls are designed to convey a message, whether it is for advertising or emergency responsiveness. Righi knows, though, that not every piece of Pro AV technology makes sense for every installation, especially in an environment where failure could be catastrophic.

“Just because it looks pretty doesn’t mean it’s right for what we do,” he said.

On this episode of Mission Critical to Mission Accomplished, Righi explained how end-users must know what type of solutions provider is right for their specific needs. Everything from how far away the viewer will be when engaging with the device to how it reacts in a certain environment.

When dealing with mission-critical spaces, the stakes of getting the proper Pro AV applications could not be higher.

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