Temperature Check Kiosks Provide a Business’s First Line of Defense
A challenge for businesses today is how to open up safely amid a pandemic so employees and customers can once again enter the premises. Paul Harris, CEO/CTO of Aurora Multimedia Corp, and Jay Leedy, Director of Business Development at Diversified, understand this challenge.
They discussed how Diversified’s VitalSign public safety-enhancing digital signage solution provides that first level of protection to get businesses open again.
“Right now, there’s a lot of confusion in the market as to what people should be doing to deal with COVID,” Harris said. “One of the things people need to understand about temperature tablets is they are not COVID detectors, but they do detect a symptom of COVID. Typically, when people have the fever portion of it, they are spreading the disease. These tablets increase the odds in your favor that you’re not going to contaminate someone and create a spreader situation.”
Diversified’s VitalSign, which employs Aurora Multimedia Corp’s ReAX temperature check tablet technology, is a touchless system that scans for masks, checks temperatures, logs in data for future reference and can be monitored from a safe distance away from physical contact.
And VitalSign is customizable, so the messaging works for the particulars of the business and situation. With all of the additional features, it becomes more than a temperature check table, Harris said.
“It is immersed in the entire application and can be used as a security and logging device,” he said.
“We (Diversified) identified Aurora as a great fit as this market was opening up,” Leeds said. “Their ReAx engine, being JavaScript-based and with its ability to integrate with a range of third-party technologies and platforms, allowed for a lot of customization. We determined many of our users would want the ability to make changes on-the-fly themselves versus us doing that for them as a service.”