Gratitude, Empathy & Mindfulness in Retail: Bricks and Clicks
With so much going on in the world these days, it’s important to stay positive and grounded.
On today’s Bricks and Clicks podcast, Mike Allsup teaches us a method called GEM, which stands for Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness and emphasizes slowing down, being grateful for what we have and creating space to allow us to see the sweetness in life.
Here is the GEM Practice:
1. Gratitude: Make a reverse bucket list of what you’ve achieved that you’re really proud of.
- Spiritual
- Career
- Family
- Health
- Experiences
Stick it on your wall as a daily reminder of the goodness you’ve already created in your life.
ACTION: Ask yourself to come up with three things you’re grateful for today.
Practice this exercise every day!
2. Empathy: Be kind and compassionate to others.
- Compliment
- Gift
- Do a task around the house
- Let someone in front of you in traffic
ACTION: Ask yourself to come up with three ways you were empathetic today.
Practice this exercise every day!
3. Mindfulness: Keep your headspace happy!
App recommendations: Calm App > Sleep Stories > Stephen Fry’s “Blue Gold” on the lavender fields of France.
Other Suggestions for staying centered:
1. Pomodoro Technique – Download the Focus Keeper App >
25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest
*Repeat throughout your workday for best focused results!
Here’s a quick video on how the Pomodoro Technique works.
2. Delete Social Media Apps on your Phone to avoid constant distraction.
3. Turn notifications off on your phone (find notifications in the setting on your phone).
4. Excercise – Shoot for 10,000 steps on the Health app on your phone!