Listen: The Semiconductor Market To Grow 7.5 Percent
The semi-conductor market is set to increase dramatically with a 7.5 % boost in 2018 totaling out to about $481 billion. This outlook rose by $23.6 billion compared with the previous forecast as prices continue to rise for both DRAM and NAND flash memory. Although, Gartner is stating that with component shortages come a volatile market in the upcoming year as an ever-increasing BOM results in having to raise certain ASP’s. However, if we remove memory sectors from the situation, the market growth percentage lowers to 4.6% in comparison to 9.4% from the previous year. In a recent statement, Gartner’s Ben Lee states to Electronics Weekly that, “after growing by 22.2% in 2017, worldwide semiconductor revenue will revert back to single-figure growth in 2018 before a correction in the memory market results in revenue declining slightly in 2019.” With this significant boost in predicted revenue, it’s evident that semi-conductors will continue to experience a steady upward buildup in the years to come.