Impact of AI in Various Industries
Every business has its own unique needs for artificial intelligence. The insights necessary to improve efficiency in healthcare are vastly different than those desired by the financial industry, even if both are looking for the same result of efficiency and a bigger bottom line.
Kievanos COO and Co-Founder Mahesh Kashyap discussed on MarketScale Mornings the different use cases for several industries.
While his company helps investors better understand market trends, he says the healthcare industry has been an early and significant adopter of AI.
Whether it be for faster and more accurate cancer screening or simply more reliable recordkeeping, AI is helping doctors see more patients per day. It is not limited to the hospital though. Home care specialists are using smart maps to get to their clients faster in urban areas because of AI.
In the finance world, analysts may be able to decipher available information to make informed investments and decisions, but Kashyap says “AI doesn’t stop.”
There are millions of data points that affect the market, and AI is eliminating blind spots.