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Mike Pierce

Vice President Lockton

Harnessing the Power of Educational and Thought-Leading Video Content for B2B Business Services Companies

The B2B market has experienced seismic changes with the ever-evolving digital age, impacting how businesses interact, engage and build relationships with their clients. Amidst the myriad of digital tools available, video content has emerged as a potent force in the B2B landscape. It’s no longer just a fancy add-on but a fundamental facet of strategic communication and marketing campaigns. More specifically, educational and thought-leading video content has proved to be a powerful tool for B2B business services companies, and here’s why.

Stimulating Engagement
Visual content has an undeniable appeal; it’s vibrant, dynamic, and, most importantly, digestible. A well-crafted video has the potential to transform complex, intricate information into an engaging narrative. This is of immense value to B2B business services companies where often the services and products offered are complex and abstract. An educational video can elucidate the company’s offerings in a simplified, digestible manner, making it easier for potential clients to understand, appreciate, and eventually engage with the business.

Moreover, thought-leading video content goes a step further by not just elucidating but also showcasing expertise and authority in a particular field. This provides an opportunity for businesses to establish themselves as trusted advisors and industry leaders, which in turn nurtures trust, credibility, and engagement.

Humanizing B2B Interactions
B2B transactions have a reputation for being more impersonal than their B2C counterparts. However, the trend is shifting towards a more humanized approach, even in B2B markets. Video content, particularly thought-leading content, allows businesses to present their expertise with a human face and voice, injecting a layer of authenticity and personality into their brand narrative.

This humanizing aspect is crucial for creating and fostering strong relationships with clients. It demonstrates to potential clients that behind the brand are people who are knowledgeable and passionate about what they do, thereby enhancing the relational aspect of B2B engagements.

Encouraging Social Sharing
In an era where social media is an integral part of business strategies, the social shareability of video content is an added advantage. Videos, particularly educational and thought-leading ones, have a higher chance of being shared across various social platforms, thus increasing the brand’s visibility and reach.

Sharing such content reflects well on the sharer too, as it is associated with learning and knowledge enhancement. This encourages viewers to share these videos within their networks, inadvertently becoming brand ambassadors and contributing to the virality of the content.

Driving Decision-making Process
Most B2B purchases are not impulsive but result from a well-thought-out process. Educational and thought-leading video content play a critical role in informing this decision-making process. By providing valuable insights, explaining complex concepts, and establishing authority in a particular field, these videos help potential clients understand how a product or service can address their specific needs and challenges.

This, in turn, aids them in their decision-making process, steering them towards a commitment to engage with the company. According to a Google study, about 70% of B2B buyers and researchers watch videos throughout their path to purchase.

In conclusion, the potent combination of educational and thought-leading video content serves as an essential tool for B2B business services companies. It aids in creating robust engagements, humanizing business interactions, driving social sharing, and informing the decision-making process. Hence, if you’re a B2B business service company, it’s time to leverage the power of video content and set yourself apart in this competitive market.

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