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Mike Pierce

Vice President Lockton

Revolutionizing B2B Finance: The Power of Community-Generated Video Content

There are several reasons why B2B financial institutions should consider replacing legacy written monthly commentaries with quick community-generated video soundbites for clients:

Enhanced engagement: Video content tends to be more engaging and interactive than written content. By using video soundbites, financial institutions can capture their clients’ attention more effectively and communicate complex ideas in a more digestible manner.

Improved accessibility: Video soundbites can be easily accessed and consumed by clients on various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. This increased accessibility allows clients to receive updates and insights on-the-go, fitting more seamlessly into their busy schedules.

Collaboration and diversity: Community-generated content enables financial institutions to leverage diverse perspectives and insights from a variety of experts in the field. This approach can help to enrich the content, foster collaboration, and promote a more inclusive and well-rounded view on market trends and industry developments.

Time efficiency: Quick video soundbites are more time-efficient for both the content creators and the audience. They require less time to produce compared to written reports, and clients can consume the content faster, enabling them to stay up-to-date with the latest market news and insights more efficiently.

Adaptability to social media: Video content is more shareable and better suited for social media platforms, which have become increasingly important in today’s business landscape. Financial institutions can leverage video soundbites to increase their online presence, reach new audiences, and enhance their brand image.

Human touch: Video content allows for the inclusion of personal elements, such as voice, facial expressions, and body language, which can make the content more relatable and foster a stronger connection with clients.

Adaptability to emerging technologies: As technology continues to evolve, new opportunities for content delivery, such as virtual reality and augmented reality, may become more prominent. By embracing video soundbites, financial institutions position themselves to take advantage of these emerging technologies in the future.

However, it is important to note that replacing written content with video soundbites entirely may not be suitable for all clients, as some may still prefer written communication. Financial institutions should consider offering a mix of content formats to cater to diverse client preferences and needs.

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