
Shifts in the Workplace Structure with Laura Sukurokoff
The especially effervescent Laura Sukorokoff joined us to talk about empathy in the workplace, and how it’s especially essential in these trying times with the miasma of a pandemic hovering over everyday life. “At the very best, employees are feeling stressed about this, feeling worried about this. At the very worst, they’re losing their jobs,…

How Can Organizations Adapt Their Learning Strategies?
Most corporate learning teams are equipped to deliver learning when employees need to learn something for the first time or to expand on previous knowledge. Unfortunately, few learning teams are equipped to support employees when they need to: act on learned knowledge and skills, adapt knowledge to new trends, or solve new problems when…

The Business Case for Microlearning: Quicksilver
Over the past decade, we’ve come to realize that traditional training approaches are not A.) as effective as needed, or B.) adaptable enough for today’s fast pace businesses. As a delivery vehicle, microlearning is a powerful tool that can deliver better business results in a way that adapts to the business environment, particularly operationally…

How to Influence People Without Being Manipulative: Quicksilver
As the old adage goes: “In business as in life, you’re always selling.” This is certainly true for corporate learning professionals who need to influence others to change their behaviors to improve business performance. But, how do you influence others without being manipulative? On today’s video episode of Quicksilver: A Behind the Scenes Look…

Why Training Design Should Start with the Final Assessment: Quicksilver
Too often the design of training focuses first on content, then on how it is delivered, and finally on how it is assessed. The Backwards Design module, introduced by Wiggins and McTighe flips this approach so that the design of instruction starts with the design of the assessment. So, why should training design start with the…

Applying Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction with Max H. Cropper: Quicksilver
Training design and delivery is often relegated to a top performer who’s good with PowerPoint. From a cost savings perspective, this is an effective approach and many organizations have made do with pseudo-training designers. But, how is quality of learning affected if the training designer isn’t familiar with the scientific evidence on how…

Learning in the Workflow: Quicksilver
The success of organizations operating in a dynamic and rapidly changing economy is often linked to its ability to react quickly and build employee capacity. Many organizations are discovering that transitioning from traditional training approaches to “Workflow Learning” is improving their training outcomes. So, can learning in the workflow make training more nimble and improve…

How Schools Around the Globe are Approaching eLearning During the COVID Pandemic: Quicksilver
On this week’s episode of Quicksilver: The eLearning Alchemist, Daniel Litwin, the Voice of B2B, fills in for Clint Clarkson to do a quick analysis of how schools around the globe are implementing elearning solutions during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s clearly a time of crisis for the world, and as more large buildings and…
The Business Case for VR in eLearning: Quicksilver
Learning and development inside businesses have evolved significantly with the power of technology. Many companies have experienced its benefits, specifically with virtual reality (VR). But how does VR really elevate eLearning, and what’s the business case for it? On today’s video episode of Quicksilver: A Behind the Scenes Look at The eLearning Alchemist Podcast, host Clint Clarkson sits…
What To Look For In Your eLearning Authoring Tool: Quicksilver
Both the current and future of learning and development in the workplace, many enterprises today, including worldwide corporations and small startups, and even universities and nonprofits, have discovered the benefits of eLearning and are replacing outdated onsite, instruction-led tutorials with modern eLearning platforms. Although the initial investment can seem prohibitive to some, the outlay for…
Designing for Experiential Learning with Clint Clarkson: Quicksilver
In this episode of The eLearning Alchemist: Quicksilver, Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin and host Clint Clarkson speak with Megan Underwood, who is a learning designer at Practera. Underwood shares about the seven steps of experiential learning and explains the value of using Practera’s tools to enhance learning and development, especially in business settings. Among the seven steps Underwood…
#WomenInLearning and 7 Principles of Experiential Learning with Megan Underwood: eLearning Alchemist
In this episode of the eLearning Alchemist podcast, Clint Clarkson interviews learning design expert, Megan Underwood about the 7 principles of experiential learning. They discuss backwards design, the importance of feedback and reflection in learning, and why content is the last thing we need to think about. Click here to see the enhanced transcript with…
What Should Business Leaders Expect From L&D?: eLearning Alchemist
In this #SundayRant on the eLearning Alchemist podcast, host Clint Clarkson rants about what business leaders should really expect from L&D. Business leaders often don’t have a clear understanding of what they should expect from the learning and development team. They know what they want: changes to employee behaviors that drive business results; but, it…
Creating Direction for the eLearning Industry with Clint Clarkson: Quicksilver
In the first episode of The eLearning Alchemist: Quicksilver, Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin and host Clint Clarkson give viewers their initial, behind-the-scenes look at Clarkson’s eLearning Alchemist Podcast. As the series moves along, Litwin and Clarkson will dive into topics ranging from trends in the elearning industry to methodologies, further interviews with podcast guests…