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Ben Thomas

Head of Pro AV MarketScale

ISC West 2024: The Balancing Act Between Physical and Digital Technology That Redefines Security Without Compromise


As the International Security Conference & Exposition West 2024 (ISC West) concludes, the security industry has once again proven its dynamic nature, evolving with the increasing integration of physical and digital security solutions. This year’s event, the largest converged security trade show in North America, hosted in Las Vegas, showcased over 750 brands, including 220 newcomers, and a strong focus on emerging technologies like AI. Discussions spanned the spectrum from advanced technological integrations to strengthening human elements of security, emphasizing the balance that modern security demands.

In the recent MarketScale Experts Talk roundtable, host Ben Thomas, along with industry experts Geoff Kohl, the Senior Director of Marketing at Security Industry Association; Dan Gundry, the host of NOC Your SOCs Off, and Cathal Walsh, the Chief Security Officer at Guidepost Solutions, delved into this very topic. The central question: How can organizations effectively balance integrating physical security measures with digital innovations without compromising either practice? This issue is particularly pertinent as industries continually adapt to technological advancements while striving to maintain robust physical security measures.

Key Points from the Discussion:

  • Emergence of New Technologies: The introduction of AI and machine learning in security systems, as highlighted by the presence of new exhibitors at ISC West, shaping the future of both threat detection and system integration
  • Challenges in Convergence: The difficulties in merging physical security with digital technologies and the need for strategic integration that does not overwhelm existing security frameworks
  • The Human Element: The importance of human oversight in an increasingly automated environment, recognizing that technology should enhance, not replace, human decision-making capabilities

Geoff Kohl: As the Senior Director of Marketing at Security Industry Association, Kohl brings deep insights into market trends, emphasizing the growth of digital tools that complement physical security strategies.

Dan Gundry: Known for his role as Host of NOC Your SOCs Off, Gundry provides a unique perspective on optimizing digital security solutions for real-world applications, especially in command centers.

Cathal Walsh: As the Chief Security Officer at Guidepost Solutions, Walsh contributes firsthand experience in implementing comprehensive security solutions, mainly focusing on integrating new technologies within established protocols.

This roundtable critically examines current trends and challenges that were showcased at ISC West 2024, offering valuable insights as businesses and security professionals navigate the complex interplay between physical safeguards and digital advancements.

Article by James Kent

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