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Geoffrey M. Roche

Healthcare Executive Advisor LEAD3R

The Key to Increasing Profits? Integrating Diversity and Equity into Recruitments, Promotions and Retention


How can organizations truly integrate diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) into their core operations to not only foster a sense of community but also enhance performance and profitability?

Geoffrey M. Roche, Director of Workforce Development (North America) at Siemens Healthineers, brings a wealth of experience in leadership, education, culture, and workforce transformation, emphasizing the power of empathetic leadership and the importance of building ecosystem partnerships to address these pressing issues.

“When I think of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, I think it’s important to ensure that it is fully integrated into every aspect of the organization, into your policies, into your practices, into how you handle recruitment, retention, as well as promotion,” Roche said.

Article written by MarketScale.

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