Personalizing the Dining Experience Through Music

September 25, 2023
Barbara Castiglia


When people go to a restaurant, personalizing the dining experience is a critical factor in making an impact that keeps customers returning. What better way to capitalize on that experience than through music?

In recent years, the restaurant industry has seen a significant shift towards personalizing the dining experience for guests. As the industry transitioned through 2020 and welcomed guests back into dining establishments, the emphasis on creating a unique and memorable experience for each patron became paramount. A crucial element in this transformation is music. According to the Colorado Restaurant Association, 86% percent of people who participated in a recent BMI study said music can enhance their dining experience, making it an essential tool for restaurateurs.

So, how does music play a role in personalizing the dining experience, and how can restaurant owners leverage it to create ambiance for their patrons?

Welcome to The Main Course, hosted by Barbara Castiglia. In this episode, Castiglia examines music and its impact on the dining experience with guest Ross Honey, President and CEO at TouchTunes.

Key Discussion Points:

  • The evolution of the restaurant jukebox and its transition into the digital age
  • The significance of music in enhancing the ambiance of a restaurant
  • How TouchTunes is revolutionizing the music experience in dining establishments

Ross Honey is the dynamic force behind TouchTunes, leading the company as its President and CEO. With a rich background in digital entertainment, Honey spent a decade at Microsoft, primarily focusing on the Xbox business. His journey with TouchTunes began seven and a half years ago. Under his leadership, TouchTunes has expanded its reach to over 65,000 locations across North America and the UK, providing a personalized music experience for patrons. Honey’s dedication to enhancing the dining experience through music has made TouchTunes a game-changer in the industry.

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