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Sarah Dandashy

Travel Expert + Content Creator Ask A Concierge

Extended-Stay Hotels Must Analyze Markets & Embrace Flexible Options for Sustained Growth

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The extended stay hotel market, once riding high on unprecedented growth, has recently faced a dip in occupancy rates. This downturn marks a significant shift from the robust expansion observed over the past years, driven by a surge in guests who preferred longer stays due to various economic and lifestyle factors. Despite this, the luxury hotel sector is on an upswing, capturing the interest of travelers looking for high-end accommodations and services.

How can extended-stay hotels adapt to shifting market dynamics and maintain their competitive edge in a fluctuating economy?

Hotel industry expert, Sarah Dandashy emphasizes the importance of understanding market longevity and accurately identifying target consumers. By recognizing who their market is, operators of extended-stay hotels can leverage their inherent advantages like lower operational costs and the potential for stable revenue, even during economic downturns.

“But the big thing for consideration for hotel owners, especially if they’re going to be operating extended stay hotels, is the longevity and also understanding the actual market and knowing are you in the market for these sorts of consumers,” Dandashy explains.

Article written by Sonia Gossai

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