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Sarah Dandashy

Travel Expert + Content Creator Ask A Concierge

Paris Olympics Could Transform European Travel for Non-Olympic Tourists

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As the Paris Olympics draw near, the excitement is palpable not just for the sports enthusiasts but also for the travel and hospitality sectors all across Europe. The major sporting event promises a significant influx of visitors, not only to France but to neighboring countries as well, poised to experience a surge in tourism. However, with great opportunities come substantial challenges, especially for non-Olympic tourism. In turn, travelers and the industry alike will have to maximize the benefits while navigating the potential pitfalls.

How will the Paris Olympics affect European travel, particularly the non-Olympic tourism experience? 

Renowned travel and hospitality expert, Sarah Dandashy, gave an insightful analysis on the broader implications for European travel during this bustling period.

A few takeaways Dandashy analyzed also covered:

  • The demand for accommodations and services in Paris during the Olympics has driven up prices significantly. This trend offers a chance for neighboring countries to capitalize on travelers seeking more affordable options.
  • How countries like Spain, Italy, and Germany could see increased tourist traffic as visitors extend their Olympic trips to other parts of Europe. This diversification benefits both travelers and the wider European hospitality sector.
  • Travel advisors are recommending that tourists consider flying into less congested European cities and then traveling to Paris by train. This strategy could alleviate the pressure on Parisian transport systems and provide a more enjoyable travel experience.
  • 2023 is set to be one of the busiest years for travel to Europe, possibly setting new records for tourist numbers. The Olympics serve as a catalyst, drawing unprecedented levels of international visitors.
  • Those who plan wisely—choosing alternative destinations and travel methods—can craft a unique and memorable European tour, making the most of the Olympic year.

Dandashy spoke to how impactful the Paris Olympics will be on the general travel landscape in Europe, but also highlighted strategic approaches for both tourists and industry stakeholders to thrive amid the hustle and bustle of the global event.

Article by Alexandra Simon.

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