The Real Robots of Hospitality
Hospitality has always been associated with a personal human touch. However, in an age of disruption and increased technology, travelers are looking for more. Recently, hotels and restaurants have been implementing seamless technology like smart devices in rooms, but some of the more innovative businesses in the industry have been pushing expectations with completely independent robotics.
Today we look at the new devices, bots and tech that are designed to improve the customer experience at hotels.
OJ Deviation: The Japanese hotel staffed by robot dinosaurs.
— OpenJaw (@openjawnetwork) September 18, 2018
Digital kiosks are designed to expedite the check-in process at hotels. Appealing to guests who may be exhausted from a day of travel, these stations may become more popular in lobbies across the hotel industry.
Meet 'Pepper', the hotel robot in Osaka, providing information on request #japantrip
— John Vermeulen (@JohnAVermeulen) September 14, 2018
Kiosks are an efficient way for guests to find their way to their rooms, but do not provide the customer service level that a human can in some cases. To solve this, SoftBank Robotics Europe designed a mobile customer assistance robot named Pepper.
The Los Angeles Times writes of Pepper, “The 4-foot-tall robot with oversize eyes is near the concierge desk. Her job is to engage with guests. As people move through the lobby, the robot will call them over and ask whether they need information or assistance.”
Just gave the bar a whirl at the robot hotel. Order from the anime barmaid on a tablet and pay, then slip a cup with ice from the freezer under the dispenser. This is Robot’s Tears, apparently.
— Tim Richards (@Aerohaveno) September 14, 2018
Restaurants in hotel lobbies can be a huge asset to the business. Guests may be more inclined to drink and dine on the premises if they are able to order a drink off a tablet and put the charge on their room number.
When you wake up in Silicon Valley to work with a new startup and you forget your toothpaste. #LeanStartUp #DesignSprint @Savioke @jakek @jazer @kowitz
— Aaron Rosenberg (@arosenberg) March 17, 2018
Need room service? There's a robot for that via @CNNTravel
— CNN (@CNN) August 19, 2017
Room service robots have perhaps been the most notable innovation in this space in recent years. Technology company Savioke first put a customer service robot in an American hotel in 2014, and the trend has become popular throughout the industry.
Customer Service Robot Lines – LG's Customer Service Robots Can Help in Grocery Stores and Hotels ( #lifestyle
— 18d.Media (@18dMedia) January 18, 2018
Wearable technology is also an emerging trend in the hospitality industry. By partnering with software companies, hotels can allow guests to enter their rooms without key cards, and now smartbands have become popular at resorts.
Smartbands allow guests to make purchases, control room temperature and access certain amenities. Without the risk of losing a phone, key card or wallet, hotels believe guests will spend more dollars and experience the hotel to its fullest extent, making for a better stay.
.@aliceapp debuts #Wearable solution at #HITECTX that enhances hotel guest and employee experiences on the #GearS3 ⌚️:
— Samsung Business USA (@SamsungBizUSA) June 14, 2018
Restaurants are also using robots to become more efficient and increase their bottom line. Robotic chefs are now making food in kitchens across the world and could revolutionize the dining experience at chain and luxury restaurants alike. Robotic servers are also becoming more prevalent.
The New #restaurant Experience: #Robot Servers, Cooks And Hostesses #Retail #ArtificialIntelligence #technology #startups #innovation #retailtech
— Deepak Jain (@djdatagrid) September 19, 2018
.misorobotics and CaliBurger have teamed up to bring these burger-flipping robots to the restaurant industry
— Rajani Mehta (@rajani_121) September 13, 2018
Every industry is on alert for the ways technology will impact its future. In hospitality, an industry that has been disrupted by brands like AirBnb, it is already implementing the technology many did not think would be possible for years.