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Dipayan Biswas

Frank Harvey Endowed Professor of Marketing

Amid Concerns Over Organised Retail Theft, Retailers Must Turn to Tech to Safeguard Stores and Enhance Customer Experience

Target it set to close nine stores in cities including New York, Seattle, and San Francisco by October 21, amid concerns over theft and safety. In response to the growing concern of organized retail theft, Texas has established the Organized Retail Theft Task Force, with Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar appointing ten members from various sectors, including Amazon, eBay, and Target.

How can retailers effectively combat the rising tide of organized theft while ensuring a positive customer experience?

Dipayan Biswas, the Frank Harvey Endowed Professor of Marketing at the University of South Florida Tampa, suggests a multifaceted approach to address growing instances of organized retail theft.

“I think there’s enough scope to use technology to stop these kinds of behaviors or at least reduce it significantly,” Biswas said, emphasizing the potential of innovative solutions over more draconian measures.

Article written by MarketScale.

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