The Power of Machine Learning and AI for Carriers

October 26, 2023
Melissa Gonzalez


With powerful tools like machine learning and AI, could retail logistics headaches be a thing of the past?

With the rise of e-commerce, especially during the pandemic, the logistics and delivery sector has seen a significant uptick in activity. As consumers increasingly rely on online shopping, the need for efficient and sustainable delivery solutions has never been more paramount.

Retail Refined’s Melissa Gonzalez sat down with Mike Robinson, Head of Retail Solutions and Founding Member of T8N (The 8th Notch). They delved into Robinson’s unexpected journey into retail, his experiences with giants like The Gap and Macy’s, and the inception of T8N. The company aims to revolutionize the delivery process by harnessing the power of machine learning and AI to optimize package delivery schedules. By analyzing vast amounts of data from carriers and retailers, T8N’s platform identifies patterns to synchronize deliveries, reducing the number of stops and carbon emissions. This approach promises operational savings and an environmental benefit, aligning with the growing emphasis on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in business.

For retailers and consumers alike, this could mean fewer delivery trucks on the road, consolidated packages, and a more sustainable approach to e-commerce. As the retail landscape continues to evolve, innovations like these highlight the potential of technology to address both business and environmental challenges.

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