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Hye-Shin Kim

Professor University of Delaware

The Recent Forever 21-Shein Collaboration Tests Consumers’ Sustainability Commitments

Shein has acquired a significant stake in Forever 21’s operator, SPARC Group, paving the way for potential Shein mini-shops within Forever 21 stores. The Forever 21-Shein collaboration melds Shein’s modern online fast fashion dominance with Forever 21’s longstanding influence on American shopping trends.

How can the merging of two fast-fashion giants impact the industry and consumer behavior, especially in a world increasingly conscious of sustainability?

Hye-Shin Kim. Ph.D., Professor of Fashion & Apparel Studies at the University of Delaware, delves into the implications of the Forever 21-Shein collaboration.

“We need to have a conversation about being good consumers… If we, as consumers, really reflect and try to reprogram or create a different culture of consumption and spending, I think we would be giving less power to these businesses that engage in this type of production,” Kim said.

Article written by MarketScale.

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