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Tom Ongwere

Assistant Professor of Computer Science University of Dayton

Generative AI is Pushing Human-Computer Interaction Closer to its Goal of Maximized Efficiency


Technological advancements in Generative AI (artificial intelligence) provide a significant opportunity to evolve human-computer interaction (HCI). Still, the path to get there is critical if there’s to be success, not resistance.

WiMi Hologram Cloud is one company working on this evolution. Its Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) system that uses a hybrid vision model based on computer vision and mixed reality, enabling real-time, natural interaction between users and computers. This development mirrors the strides made by OpenAI’s Chat GPT, an AI language model that is revolutionizing communication by providing personalized, human-like responses.

As these technologies evolve, they will transform various sectors, from gaming and education to customer support, making interactions more efficient and inclusive. However, as companies and industries embrace this transformative period in communication, the need for responsible AI usage becomes paramount, underscoring the importance of ethical considerations in developing and applying these advanced systems.

Tom Ongwere, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at The University of Dayton, doesn’t see AI as a takeover for humans but as a powerful tool that can help transform the HCI dynamic.

Tom’s Thoughts

“When we’re talking about the future of AI in HCI, I look and think about human-centered generative AI and not human-like AI. AI’s future in HCI is already here; we’re living it. But to better understand and respond to this question, I want to take us back to defining the goal of HCI.

Norman, in his work 1988, suggests that HCI should focus on developing functional systems that are usable, safe, and efficient for the end users. So, in other words, when we’re talking about efficiency, we need that users make a minimum effort to engage with these interfaces and have minimal errors in that process. AI is helping bring this goal to fruition.

So already, we see changes in how these interactive digital interfaces and technologies have been designed. We see the introduction of digital assistants or active actors in digital interfaces, to mention a few.

With that being said, I think that when we’re talking about the future of AI in HCI, I look and think about human-centered generative AI and not human-like AI. So, generative AI will help tackle a need to really understanding users’ behaviors, understanding their needs and preferences. And then, with that understanding, inform the design of interfaces and technologies and interactions that may engage human senses, such as vision, hearing, and touch, to bring about this enjoyable experience that every human would love when they’re using those technologies and when they are using any interactive digital interface that they may come by.”

Article by James Kent

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