Articles by tag: Baltimore Bridge collapse

The Tech Divide is Impacting How Well Companies Can Respond to Supply Chain Disruptions

tech divide baltimore bridge collapse

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the divide between companies with advanced tech capabilities and those lagging behind is widening. This growing tech divide significantly impacts their ability to respond to supply chain disruptions, a crucial factor in maintaining business continuity and efficiency that’s even more pronounced as supply chain resilience is increasingly defined…

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A Decade of Supply Chain Disruptions Made U.S. Domestic Logistics Ready for a Baltimore-Style Closure

In the wake of the recent Baltimore Bridge collapse, the logistics and supply chain sectors are once again under intense scrutiny. This disaster poses significant questions about the robustness of current supply chain systems and the ability for the whole chain to respond to supply chain disruptions, especially given the past decade’s persistent challenges,…

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Baltimore Bridge Collapse: A Wake-Up Call for Supply Chain Reforms and Investments in Critical Infrastructure

The recent collapse of the Baltimore Bridge has sparked a significant conversation about the vulnerabilities within our national supply chain infrastructure. Dr. Piyush Shah, Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management at Florida Gulf Coast University, points to this event as a critical wake-up call, highlighting systemic weaknesses that demand immediate attention and action. This incident…

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Aftermath of Baltimore Bridge Collapse: Global Supply Chains Will Reroute Efficiently

The recent collapse of the Baltimore Bridge has triggered a flurry of concerns regarding the local economy and its integration into the national supply chain. This incident has not only affected immediate transportation and logistics but also posed long-term challenges for Baltimore’s role as a critical port node in domestic and international trade. As…

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Past Crises as Present Shields: How COVID and Suez Canal Experiences Averted a Major Fallout from the Baltimore Bridge Collapse

In the aftermath of the Baltimore Bridge collapse, many predicted a significant upheaval in global supply chains that could echo the disruptive impacts of past logistical crises. The bridge, a crucial conduit for maritime traffic, has been inoperable for over a month, yet the fallout from the Baltimore Bridge collapse has not fully materialized…

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Fact or Fiction with Captain Kelly: UHF vs. VHF Radio Communication on Board
June 25, 2024

In the latest installment of Fact or Fiction with Captain Kelly Gordon, Gordon explains why her crew uses UHF radios for internal communication over VHF radios. UHF radios are preferred on board because their ultra high frequency waves penetrate vessel walls better than VHF waves. However, VHF radios are more effective for long-distance communication…

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hybrid electric power plants
Hybrid Electric Power Plants: A Game Changer in the eVTOL Era
June 25, 2024

As the eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) industry continues to grow, hybrid electric power plants are emerging as a critical technology. With the automotive sector setting a precedent for hybrid systems, aerospace companies are now looking to hybrid electric power plants to overcome the limitations of all-electric systems and enhance mission capabilities. The…

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innovative talent management
Innovative Talent Management in The Disrupted Age of Manufacturing
June 25, 2024

Innovative talent management is crucial in the manufacturing sector, which is experiencing significant changes driven by technological advancements and a rapidly evolving workforce landscape. How are companies adapting to these changes to remain competitive? In this episode of DisruptED, host Ron J. Stefanski talks with Alfonzo Hall, the President & CEO of Wolverine Assemblies,…

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School Safety Protocols
Protecting Youth: What’s on the Horizon for The “I Love U Guys” Foundation
June 25, 2024

In this episode of School Safety Today by Raptor Technologies Michelle Dawn Mooney sat down with special guest, Pat Hamilton, the new executive director of The “I Love U Guys” Foundation, who discusses his extensive background in school safety, the history and impact of the Foundation, and the future initiatives aimed at enhancing safety…

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