Should the COVID Vaccine Turn a Big Profit for Big Pharma?
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In the latest news on the coronavirus, Business Casual hosts Daniel Litwin and Tyler Kern analyze Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla’s recent statement about the ethics behind profiting off of a COVID vaccine.
As the government doles out taxpayer dollars to the private sector in the race for a cure, should the resulting vaccine still come at a price to Americans? Bourla is incredulous at the thought, saying “You need to be very fanatic and radical to say something like that right now.”
Whether private companies are getting aid from the government or not, the private sector has provided diagnostic and therapeutic solutions for COVID already. Business Casual explores both sides of the coin of American capitalism in this unprecedented ethical query, discussing…
- How “Operation Warp Speed,” has created costly government contracts with private health companies
- Why Pfizer has the potential to make over $13 billion in sales if they charge the public
- If the private sector finds a solution to COVID, are they accountable to the public’s taxpayer dollars that helped them create a vaccine?
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