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Christopher Carver

Director of Market Development Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial

Rise in AV Market Advancements Will Lead to More Critical Control Room Concerns


The demand and implementation of advanced AV technologies is creating a rise in complexities for critical control rooms. In effect, this is gradually shaping the professional AV industry and this year, the several AV markets are expected to see growth.

Chris Carver, the US Coordinator at ICCRA, provided some explanation into the challenges and transformative solutions in the sector, highlighting the pivotal role of technology in enhancing operational efficiency without overwhelming the staff. 

For an Experts Talks segment, Carver pointed out, “All of those things together are really upending the entire critical control room space and forcing those that lead critical control rooms, those that depend on them, and those that work in them to really face a lot of challenges that, thankfully, can be solved or at least supported in ways like never before, with technology and tools like artificial intelligence, smart cities-type innovative sensors and other devices, even traffic cameras and various things like that.”

Article written by Alexandra Simon.

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