How Do You Capture Customer Intent?
This week Retail Refined looks into capturing customer intent and how brands and retailers will be positioned better than before post COVID.
In this discussion, host Melissa Gonzalez dives into the possibilities of contactless data capture with Amanda Latifi, Co-Founder and CEO of Hafta Have. Technology has traditionally been cumbersome and heavily reliant on hardware but now solutions are becoming “lighter” weight and the value proposition to the customer, not just the retailer, is becoming clearer. Listen to how Hafta Have is helping illuminate insights around exactly what shoppers are browsing in-store and unlocking opportunities to continue the offline conversation just as retailers would if a shopper were to abandon their cart online, and learn how its becoming an effective sales and marketing tool.
About the Guest
Named one of “5 Women at the Cusp of Fashion + Technology Innovation”, Amanda Latifi is the co-founder and CEO of Hafta Have, a platform that empowers brick & mortar stores to perform more like online. Amanda brings 15 years of experience in retail strategy and brand marketing for Fortune 500 brands: McDonald’s, SC Johnson Brands, MarsWrigley (Skittles, Combos, Milky Way). A brand strategist assigned to McDonald’s during the recession, Amanda was an integral member of the company’s ‘value team’ studying price-sensitivity thresholds across the U.S.
Hafta Have helps retailers collect limited offline data on their customers browsing in-store with a personalized mobile messaging platform (patent-pending) leveraging data captured in-store to drive conversion, helping retailers recover in-store abandonment with the tactics of online. Contactless. No app, no hardware; all SMS.
What Melissa Asked
- What it means to capture customer intent
- What do you see as the biggest obstacle causing such a gap between being able to capture content online, but not in-store?
- How have you seen COVID opening up opportunities to better capture customer intent?
- When you can capture customer intent, what insights can a retailer or brand glean?
- Share takeaways from Starbucks and Chili Beans case studies (what made each successful)?
- How does Hafta Have serve as a tool for sales and marketing teams?