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Greg Bryk

Actor, Writer, Coach and Keynote Speaker

Standing Out From the Competition


In a crowded marketplace, authenticity could be the strongest differentiator in standing out from the competition. Actor and Keynote Speaker Greg Bryk shares his insights on making a mark, on-screen and in the B2B arena.

Bryk emphasizes the power of authenticity over pandering to the audience. He explains, “The way to stick out from your competition, as an actor, but this is also true for people in the B2B space, is to care about your message, but less about pleasing your audience.” Bryk cautions against abandoning core values to chase audience approval, which can lead to losing authentic delivery. He asserts that by tapping into one’s unique qualities and strengths, individuals and businesses can find their audience and truly stand out.

“There is only you,” Bryk concludes, highlighting that in the pursuit to stand out, the most impactful strategy is to be unfailingly oneself. This philosophy, he suggests, is as crucial in business as it is in the arts, where the connection with the audience hinges on genuine expression rather than strategic pandering.

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