
hot takes
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In a warm and engaging discussion on the How Strong podcast, hosts Troy Beetz and Lisa Cotto traverse a range of hot takes, beginning with an intriguing examination of villains in horror and action films and their relationship with brand endorsements. They further touch on Quentin Tarantino’s distinctive approach to product placement by inventing fictional…

inspirational conversations
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In an age where the chase for viral stardom and material success often overshadows the essence of genuine passion and resilience, the inspirational conversations generated on the How Strong podcast resonate with a refreshing authenticity. This podcast delves into various topics, encapsulating the journey of individuals who defy the norms, driven not by fame…

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The product marketing landscape is seeing a lot of changes and the nuances of product placement are garnering significant attention. The need to dissect and understand this marketing strategy has arisen due to the intersection of branding with various media. This fact is especially true for films. This method’s intricacy is compared to a…

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The musical landscape has seen countless artists rise to stardom, only to fade away. Yet, in a digital age where talent is abundant and opportunities seem scarce, breaking through the noise becomes more challenging than ever. At the same time, new forms of social media have challenged the way music is found and shared. Amidst…

digital brandscape transformation
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In the digital brandscape transformation realm, social media’s influence and challenges on brands are becoming increasingly pivotal. Recent studies indicate that over 3.6 billion people globally are active on social media, a figure projected to surge to almost 4.41 billion by 2025. This massive digital shift prompts an essential question: How are brands navigating…

vintage electric motorcycles
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In recent years, the vehicle industry has seen a palpable shift towards sustainable electric options to include electric motorcycles. But while many manufacturers are focusing on futuristic designs, there’s a growing demand for bikes that combine modern technology with vintage aesthetics. According to a recent study, electric motorcycle sales will grow from $31.5 to…

product placement
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In an era where marketing has transcended traditional advertisements and entered the realms of movies, TV shows, and even podcasts, the lines between entertainment and advertising have blurred. With 52% of consumers preferring product placement in movies and TV shows over traditional advertising, there’s a world of marketing opportunities in media and other unique…