Bridging the Marketing Gap Between Technical Content and Actionable Results
There’s no doubt about it – the world of marketing, particularly in highly technical B2B fields, is shifting. Buyers and wider industry audiences face a content revolution in their personal lives, with on-demand variety of media setting high expectations around what stories create the most impact and how easy it should be to find them.
For B2B, this means professionals want to consume authentic content to learn about products and solutions. Now, marketers need to plant their flag in the content ecosystem to differentiate. B2B marketers know, though, that quality content can’t be an afterthought in marketing strategies.
A recent Sonus PR report backed that up, showing 92% of B2B tech marketers believe thought leadership content is a priority. However, especially for technical content riddled with product specifics or niche industry knowledge, there’s often a disconnect between the content marketers dream up and the end result. In the same report, around two-thirds of marketers found it to be a major challenge to realize that content, mostly because they can’t find content producers who understand and communicate their technology well.
How should marketers craft their media, and their owned media channels, in a way that helps deliver results for internal and external stakeholders? How do you find content creators to ideate and represent niche ideas and trends for your content?
On this episode of MarketScaleTV, host and Voice of B2B Daniel Litwin invited two powerful B2B marketers – Vinti Singh, Director of Global Marketing at CurveBeam and Gina Sansivero, Vice President of Marketing & Corporate Communications at AtlasIED – to have them explain how they bridge the gap between content and actionable results.
Singh and Sansivero shared their tips for breaking out of the daunting cycle of finding the right people to speak to the right technical topics and leveraging new media types to expand the scope of marketing content, explaining their strategies behind owned media channels and sourcing insights from internal experts.
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