eLearning Alchemist
The especially effervescent Laura Sukorokoff joined us to talk about empathy in the workplace, and how it’s especially essential in these trying times with the miasma of a pandemic hovering over everyday life. “At the very best, employees are feeling stressed about this, feeling worried about this. At the very worst, they’re losing their jobs,…
Education & EdTech
How Can Organizations Adapt Their Learning Strategies?
Most corporate learning teams are equipped to deliver learning when employees need to learn something for the first time or to expand on previous knowledge. Unfortunately, few learning teams are equipped to support employees when they need to: act on learned knowledge and skills, adapt knowledge to new trends, or solve new problems when…
Education & EdTech
The Business Case for Microlearning: Quicksilver
Over the past decade, we’ve come to realize that traditional training approaches are not A.) as effective as needed, or B.) adaptable enough for today’s fast pace businesses. As a delivery vehicle, microlearning is a powerful tool that can deliver better business results in a way that adapts to the business environment, particularly operationally…
Education & EdTech
How to Influence People Without Being Manipulative: Quicksilver
As the old adage goes: “In business as in life, you’re always selling.” This is certainly true for corporate learning professionals who need to influence others to change their behaviors to improve business performance. But, how do you influence others without being manipulative? On today’s video episode of Quicksilver: A Behind the Scenes Look…
Education & EdTech
Why Training Design Should Start with the Final Assessment: Quicksilver
Too often the design of training focuses first on content, then on how it is delivered, and finally on how it is assessed. The Backwards Design module, introduced by Wiggins and McTighe flips this approach so that the design of instruction starts with the design of the assessment. So, why should training design start with the…
Education & EdTech
Applying Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction with Max H. Cropper: Quicksilver
Training design and delivery is often relegated to a top performer who’s good with PowerPoint. From a cost savings perspective, this is an effective approach and many organizations have made do with pseudo-training designers. But, how is quality of learning affected if the training designer isn’t familiar with the scientific evidence on how…
Education & EdTech
Learning in the Workflow: Quicksilver
The success of organizations operating in a dynamic and rapidly changing economy is often linked to its ability to react quickly and build employee capacity. Many organizations are discovering that transitioning from traditional training approaches to “Workflow Learning” is improving their training outcomes. So, can learning in the workflow make training more nimble and improve…