One Screen or Two? Content Marketers Have to Decide
Beyond the technology of Pro AV, today’s digital screens are delivering powerful, and in many cases data-driven content, to audiences everywhere. At venues, on the street, or at the store, consumers are looking for more interactive and engaging content. Unfortunately, not every marketer fully grasps how to use their digital signage to its fullest capacity, not to mention integrate the variety of data points coming from consumers’ cell phones.
Here to discuss the potential that digital signage has for understanding an audience and how to act on that data is Mark Eisenstadt, Professional Services Manager at LED display manufacturer Daktronics.
The South Dakota-based company designs, manufactures, sells, and services video displays, scoreboards, digital billboards, dynamic message signs, sound systems, and related products. Before joining Daktronics more than a decade ago, Eisenstadt worked with the Jacksonville Jaguars and Super Bowl 33.
His long career in digital display technology has taught him that engagement is the name of the game, and knowing what content your audience wants is the game-winning strategy, and much like a lesson in Marketing 101, effective marketers know exactly who they’re trying to reach.
“If the last two to four years have taught us [anything] it’s that understanding data and understanding who’s viewing your message is just as important as any other type of marketing or branding,” Eisenstadt said.
The real challenge for Pro AV producers and marketers is managing two different screens: The one that’s in your venue and the one that’s in your audience’s hands. Eisenstadt offered this advice: Choose whether you want to steer people away from their phones with engaging video content or steer people to their phones to connect in-venue content with their own.
“Are you going to embrace the fact that everybody’s using their phones, or are you going to run from it. Neither is a right or wrong answer, but a real decision has to be made,” he said.
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