You searched: Tim Snyder

America’s Crude Oil Dominance Helped Avoid a Recession. Here’s Why the US Shouldn’t Bow Down to Renewable Energy Pressure
America’s Crude Oil Dominance Helped Avoid a Recession. Here’s Why the US Shouldn’t Bow Down to Renewable Energy Pressure
May 02, 2024

Recent data from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) reveals that the US has maintained its position as the world’s leading crude oil producer for the past six years, achieving production levels unprecedented in global history. This milestone comes amid shifting geopolitical dynamics and evolving energy policies, raising significant questions about America’s role in…

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Gasonomics: What’s Really Driving Energy Prices Higher?
Gasonomics: What’s Really Driving Energy Prices Higher?
October 06, 2023

Amidst the global energy market turbulence, the U.S. faces significant shifts in its energy prices and energy complex. Adding to the concerns, the Biden administration’s decision to offer zero oil and gas lease sales in 2024, influenced by the U.S. wind power industry, is set to further strain the supply-demand balance.  The spotlight is…

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Navigating the Complex World of Energy and Economics
Navigating the Complex World of Energy and Economics
September 13, 2023

The latest episode of Gasonomics, hosted by Tim Snyder, Chief Economist with Matador Economics, focuses on the intricate dance between global alliances, energy markets, and the potential threats to the US Dollar’s dominance. As President Biden attends the G-20 Summit, the episode delves into the dynamics of the BRICS alliance, now expanded to BRIICS…

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The Economics of Natural Resources Today
The Economics of Natural Resources Today
September 04, 2023

In this episode of Gasonomics, host Tim Snyder dissects the intricate relationship between energy and agriculture with his guest, Dr. Darren Hudson, Ph.D., the Larry Combest Endowed Chair for Policy and Director for the Agricultural Competitiveness at Texas Tech University. The pair highlight the significant role energy plays in the agricultural sector. From the…

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In the Oil and Gas Industry, Prices Continue to Soar. What Does That Mean for the Future of the Energy Sector and What Do We Do Next??
In the Oil and Gas Industry, Prices Continue to Soar. What Does That Mean for the Future of the Energy Sector and What Do We Do Next??
August 16, 2023

The global energy landscape, especially the oil and gas industry, has been undergoing a seismic shift. With crude oil prices surging almost 20% in the last 45 days and gasoline witnessing a 2.2 cent per gallon increase, the stakes have never been higher. As the U.S. economy grapples with these fluctuations, a pertinent question…

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Certain Sectors Are Making an Impact as Macroeconomic Drivers in the Energy Complex. Real Estate is One of the Leaders
Certain Sectors Are Making an Impact as Macroeconomic Drivers in the Energy Complex. Real Estate is One of the Leaders
August 04, 2023

Macroeconomic drivers are especially important with the world continuing to grapple with economic recovery and growth in the post-pandemic era. As a result, the dynamics of energy and the economy take on heightened significance. The intertwining of the energy sector, commodity prices, employment data, and real estate movements offer a fascinating, if complex, overview…

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High Energy Consumption Continues to Weigh on the Price of Gas and Its Recurrent Rise
High Energy Consumption Continues to Weigh on the Price of Gas and Its Recurrent Rise
August 01, 2023

Recently, energy consumption and production are in the limelight and because of that navigating the complexities of the energy market and its implications on the economy require expertise and nuanced understanding. From the role of renewable energy in the infrastructural landscape of Texas to the geopolitical influences of crude oil prices, such insights are…

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Seasonal Trends Aren’t Shaving Off Energy Prices Like Before. Predictions Indicate Gas Demand Will Continue to Uptick
Seasonal Trends Aren’t Shaving Off Energy Prices Like Before. Predictions Indicate Gas Demand Will Continue to Uptick
July 24, 2023

As we cross the halfway mark of 2023, stakeholders in the energy sector are grappling with the changing landscapes of oil, gas, and renewable resources. A volatile year of varying energy prices has underlined the critical need for analysis and prediction. With a stark 41 percent decrease in the price of natural gas and…

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Addressing the Environmental Debate Through an Uncommon Lens of Christian Faith, to Better Understand Climate Change
Addressing the Environmental Debate Through an Uncommon Lens of Christian Faith, to Better Understand Climate Change
July 05, 2023

We are living in a period dominated by escalating discussions on climate change. The world continues to grapple with the daunting task of balancing our dependence on fossil fuels with the need to protect our environment. Climate change conversations have taken center stage in academic, political, and societal forums, sparking debates on its repercussions…

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The Problem with Climate Change: The Other Side of the Story
The Problem with Climate Change: The Other Side of the Story
June 29, 2023

As the world grapples with the escalating crisis of climate change, the narrative is often dominated by the urgent call to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. However, there’s another side to the story that is often overlooked. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, as of 2020, fossil fuels still accounted…

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The Permian Basin Development Makes New Mexico a Critical Player in U.S. Oil Production
The Permian Basin Development Makes New Mexico a Critical Player in U.S. Oil Production
June 20, 2023

Amidst an ongoing boom in crude oil production in the Permian Basin, an unanticipated focal point has arisen: New Mexico. Over the last two years, the state has contributed to an astonishing 50% of the total increase in oil production from this prolific oil and gas region. The stakes are high, and the unique…

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The Time for Effective Leadership in the U.S. Energy Industry is Now
The Time for Effective Leadership in the U.S. Energy Industry is Now
June 14, 2023

Leadership in the U.S. energy industry finds itself in a supply-and-demand situation; low supply and high demand. As the planet grapples with the urgent need to transition to cleaner sources, traditional fossil fuels face mounting pressure for reform and innovation. Yet, the industry shows signs of a leadership crisis, undermining efforts to ensure reliable…

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New U.S. Oil Auctions Say “Nothing” About Short-Term Drilling. U.S. Energy Policy is Still Shy on New Oil Leasing.
New U.S. Oil Auctions Say “Nothing” About Short-Term Drilling. U.S. Energy Policy is Still Shy on New Oil Leasing.
June 01, 2023

U.S. oil auctions are back…sort of. In a significant move since the passage of President Joe Biden’s landmark climate change law, the U.S. held its first sale of oil and gas drilling rights on federal lands in late May, attracting over $78 million in high bids. This auction of 19 parcels in New Mexico,…

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Energy Transition from Fossil Fuels: Is It Sustainable, Obtainable, and Realistic?
Energy Transition from Fossil Fuels: Is It Sustainable, Obtainable, and Realistic?
May 29, 2023

There is a desire and movement from many sectors in the United States to shift its reliance on fossil fuels to alternative fuel sources. But is that want doable at scale, and does it make economic sense? Rare earth materials, which many industries rely on for alternative energy sources, are challenging to come by and…

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Gasonomics: Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector
Gasonomics: Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Sector
May 22, 2023

The energy economy has been unpredictable as of late for a number of reasons, including the changing of federal administration in early 2021. As a result, the amount of mergers and acquisitions in the energy sector has been lower. How does this happen, what does it mean for current energy solutions, and what can be…

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Electrifying the US Military: Can We Still Defend Ourselves and Interests?
Electrifying the US Military: Can We Still Defend Ourselves and Interests?
May 15, 2023

In late April, U.S. Defense Sectary Dr. Kathleen Hicks reiterated the Biden Administration’s decision to convert military vehicles to electric vehicles by 2030. There are significant hurdles to reaching this goal as pointed out by, like the ambitious timeline and finding the batteries for the fleet. Has the Biden administration considered the true impact…

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Rising Energy Costs and the Effects on Senior Citizens and Those on Fixed Incomes
Rising Energy Costs and the Effects on Senior Citizens and Those on Fixed Incomes
May 01, 2023

As prices surge in nearly every sector and area of the American economy due to inflation, the burden of these costs are having major effects on some of the country’s most vulnerable populations. Senior citizens and people on fixed incomes are struggling to get by as many only have a limited amount of revenue, mostly…

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Energy and the Effects on Agriculture: Can We Survive?
Energy and the Effects on Agriculture: Can We Survive?
April 24, 2023

Since President Biden came into office, there has been an increasing focus on “green energy” initiatives, resulting in radical changes in the oil industry. For example, the 2021 Executive Order resulted in the cancellation of the 2019 Keystone Pipeline permit. But how are these radical changes impacting the U.S. agriculture industry, and will these changes…

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What’s Driving Energy Prices This Week?
What’s Driving Energy Prices This Week?
April 13, 2023

Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia and OPEC+ oil producers announced they would cut oil output by more than one million barrels per day. Subsequently, energy prices spiked, with the current national gas average sitting at $3.65 per gallon. But oil and gas prices aren’t the only thing shifting right now…worldwide trade currency is for some…

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Climate Change, Fact, Fiction or Fashion?
Climate Change, Fact, Fiction or Fashion?
April 06, 2023

The past few years, there has been more focus on addressing climate change through key actions such as 100 percent zero-emission vehicle acquisition by 2035 and achieving net-zero emissions procurement by 2050. Why the sudden focus on these green initiatives, and is climate change really happening? Will new regulations have a detrimental impact on…

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