10 Minutes to a Better Building
The costs of investing in good air quality for your building can come with a hefty price tag. As more and more companies and institutions look to pour money into improving their filters for better indoor air quality, or IAQ, additionally, there’s another challenge that appears when it comes to making the best HVAC decisions…
10 Minutes to a Better Building
How to Improve the Air Quality of Your Building
Ensuring good air quality for your building can be quite a task. In recent years, indoor air quality, or IAQ, has been a priority for building management. But with the proper tools and knowledge one can discover the best ways to improve IAQ, and save money while still investing in modern and effective implementations. What…
10 Minutes to a Better Building
10 Minutes to a Better Building: What Can Your Open Controls Systems Do for You?
On this episode of 10 Minutes to a Better Building, host Michelle Dawn Mooney talks with Katie Kimmel, Account Executive at Boland, and Matt Hinkle, Controls Technician at Boland. The topic at hand are open controls systems, which allow building owners more choice and options when it comes to maintenance and assistance. Katie describes open…
10 Minutes to a Better Building
Taking a Close Look at the Recent Refrigerant Regulations
> Refrigerant regulations are in a state of flux. In the next few years, common refrigerants will be no longer be viable for equipment. The reason for the change is that many products currently have a high global warming potential. Breaking down the new laws and their impact, Boland Sales Team Leader Kevin Bradley joined…
10 Minutes to a Better Building
The Benefits of Boland Professional Development Courses with Del Johnson
Educating service shops, building owners, engineers, salespersons, and other people in the industry is a point of pride for Boland. Their professional development classes give folks knowledge and training on the equipment they work on or have in their buildings. Del Johnson, Special Project Leader at Boland, spoke with Tyler Kern about the program’s many…
10 Minutes to a Better Building
The Benefits of Boland Professional Development Courses
Educating service shops, building owners, engineers, salespersons, and other people in the industry is a point of pride for Boland. Their professional development classes give folks knowledge and training on the equipment they work on or have in their buildings. Del Johnson, Special Project Leader at Boland, spoke with Tyler Kern about the program’s many…
10 Minutes to a Better Building
10 Minutes to a Better Building: Finding Utility Incentives for Your Building
Building owners and property managers may be familiar with the various rebates and programs associated with equipment within the scope of their buildings. Still, there are other utility incentives available that aren’t as known. Emily Herchenroeder, Energy Solutions Team Leader at Boland, joined Tyler Kern to shed more light on some of those other utility…