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Raul Reyeszumeta

Senior Director, Design

Lights, Camera, Action: How Talking Head Videos are Revolutionizing Community Generated Content

One of the most popular types of CGC is the talking head video, which features a person speaking directly to the camera. Talking head videos have become a go-to for businesses, as they are a quick and easy way to create engaging content. But what makes talking head videos so effective for CGC?



Here are a few reasons why talking head videos are revolutionizing community-generated content:

  1. Authenticity: When someone speaks directly to the camera, it creates a personal connection between the viewer and the speaker. This personal touch helps build trust and credibility with your audience.
  2. Accessibility: Talking head videos are easy to create and don’t require a lot of resources. All you need is a camera, a microphone, and a quiet space.
  3. Versatility: Talking head videos can be used for a variety of purposes, including product demos, customer testimonials, and expert interviews.
  4. Time-efficiency: Talking head videos can be recorded and edited quickly, allowing you to publish content more frequently and keep your audience engaged.
  5. Shareability: Talking head videos are highly shareable, as they are easy to consume and provide valuable information.


At MarketScale, we understand the power of community-generated content and the importance of creating engaging videos. That’s why our MarketScale Studio platform provides a simple and intuitive video editing tool to make your CGC shine. With our platform, you can easily edit your talking head videos and showcase your community’s expertise.

Talking head videos are a powerful tool for creating engaging community-generated content. They are quick and easy to produce, provide a personal touch, and are highly shareable. So, grab your camera and start creating your own talking head videos to take your CGC to the next level.

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